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  1. COVID-19 and Sleep: Everything You Need to Know

    COVID-19 has created a range of unprecedented health challenges. Learn how COVID-19 affects sleep and find tips for sleeping better during the pandemic....

  2. Why is Inflammation Worse at Night?

    Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to illness and disease. But how is it connected to your sleep? Read to learn more about sleep and...

  3. Benefits of Naps: How Daytime Sleep Helps Your Body and Mind

    When you feel tired, taking a nap can reduce fatigue and increase alertness. Learn more about the many benefits of napping....

  4. Best Sleep Supplements for Menopause

    Menopause is a time in life where a person may have difficulty sleeping. Some supplements may help symptoms of menopause and improve...

  5. Sleep Calculator

    How much sleep do you need to wake up feeling well and refreshed? Learn how using a sleep calculator can help you get a better night’s...

  6. Magnesium for Sleep

    Magnesium is critical for good sleep, Here are the magnesium facts and research you need to know. You likely need more magnesium, here's how you can get...

  7. Physical Health: How Your Overall Well-Being Impacts Sleep

    Sleep deprivation impacts your physical health and can lead to larger issues. Learn why we all need sleep to recover and maintain overall wellbeing....

  8. Tart Cherry Juice For Sleep: Benefits and Efficacy

    Can tart cherry juice help you sleep at night? Learn about the healthy benefits of drinking Montmorency tart cherry juice....

  9. Can Jujube Help Sleep?

    The jujube plant has potent natural therapeutic value, in promoting sleep and relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting healthy digestion, protecting the heart and the brain, and offering protection against...

  10. What Is Sleep? Why, When, and How Our Bodies Rest

    Sleep is a vital and mysterious phenomenon that is critical to mental and physical health. Learn about the basics of sleep and tips for getting better rest....