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  1. Valerian Root

    People have been using valerian for centuries, but can it really help you sleep? We take a deep dive into the benefits and downsides of valerian...

  2. How to Stop Ringing in Ears at Night

    Ringing in the ears can interfere with nighttime sleep. Read about treatments that can reduce tinnitus and how to cope with ringing in the ears at...

  3. GABA for Sleep

    GABA as a supplement may benefit emotional, cognitive, and physical health. Today I will discuss what you need to know about this popular...

  4. Why Are You Waking Up Tired?

    Do you wake up tired, even after a full night of sleep? Read on to learn why this is, and see Sleep Doctor’s recommendations for a better night’s...

  5. The Best Vitamins for Sleep: Our Experts Weigh in

    We know that diet and sleep are deeply connected. But the truth is, we don’t know nearly enough yet about how individual nutrients impact our...

  6. Reasons You Can’t Sleep

    Do you struggle to sleep some nights? Explore the various reasons you may have trouble sleeping and learn what to do when you can't...

  7. Cortisol and Sleep

    Today, I’ll talk about the role that cortisol plays in the sleep-wake cycle, how disruptions to healthy cortisol levels interfere with sleep and contribute to sleep disorders—and how poor sleep,...

  8. COVID Dreams

    Many people have experienced strange dreams or nightmares since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are reasons for COVID dreams and ways to prevent...

  9. How to Sleep with Allergies

    Are allergies keeping you up at night? Learn how nasal congestion and other bothersome symptoms can interfere with your sleep and what to do to sleep...

  10. Is Mercury in Retrograde Right Now? How It May Affect Your Sleep

    Is Mercury in retrograde right now? If so, it may make life a little crazy. But what is mercury retrograde, and does it affect your...