
Search results

  1. Is Jet Lag Worse Traveling East to West?

    Jet lag can throw off your daily rhythms when you cross time zones. How much you're affected by jet lag might depend on which direction you travel....

  2. Sleep Environment

    Having the right bedroom environment plays a big role in sleep quality. Find out how factors like light, sound, temperature, and even smell impact...

  3. Menopause and Sleep

    Are you having trouble sleeping during menopause? We discuss the relationship between menopause and sleep problems and offer tips for getting better...

  4. The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Sleep

    Find out about how sleep habits can affect your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a condition that affects millions of...

  5. Diabetes and Sleep: How Does One Affect the Other?

    Diabetes can cause trouble sleeping, but sleep problems increase the risk of developing diabetes. Learn how to improve sleep with...

  6. How Screen Time Affects Teens’ Sleep

    Cell phones and other media devices are a big part of a teen’s daily life. Learn how screen time can take a toll on teen sleep and ways to reduce...

  7. Glycine for Sleep

    You might not know it by name, but the tiny amino acid glycine is hard at work in your body right now, maintaining strength and support in your muscles and...

  8. Intermittent Fasting and Sleep

    Are you considering intermittent fasting? We discuss how intermittent fasting works, along with risks, benefits, and potential effects on...

  9. Do Women Need More Sleep Than Men?

    Women face unique challenges when it comes to sleep. We take a look at the reasons why women might sleep longer than...

  10. Cancer and Sleep: Risk Factors and How to Get Enough Rest

    The causes and consequences of cancer are complex. Learn about the ways that cancer can disrupt sleep and whether sleep can affect the risk of...