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  1. How to Stay Awake While Driving

    Falling asleep behind the wheel can have serious consequences. Learn the warning signs, who's at risk, and proven ways to stay awake while...

  2. How to Stay Awake

    Need to pull an all-nighter for work, or power through a night shift? Learn tips for how to stay awake when you’re tired, and when you should visit a...

  3. Interrupted Sleep: How It Affects You and What to Do About It

    Do you find yourself regularly waking up during the night? Learn about the causes of interrupted sleep, and get tips for sleeping through the...

  4. Travel and Sleep: How to Get Quality Rest on Trips

    Traveling can cause jet lag and impact your sleep in a number of ways. Learn how to prepare for changes to your sleep ahead of and during your...

  5. Staying Up All-Night: Should You Do It?

    Pulling an all-nighter might be tempting, but staying up comes at a cost. Learn about the effects of sleep deprivation and how to avoid staying up all...

  6. How Long Is a Power Nap?

    The power nap is a short nap specifically designed to improve alertness and work performance. Learn how long a power nap should be and when to take...

  7. Sleep Hygiene: Activities and Habits for Getting Better Rest

    Sleep hygiene is all the habits and behaviors that influence sleep - and proper hygiene has a big impact. Learn the basics of how to get better...

  8. Drowsy Driving

    Drowsy driving contributes to nearly 100,000 car accidents every year. Find out why driving drowsy is so dangerous and what you can do to prevent...

  9. Pregnancy and Sleep: Understanding the Impact on Healthy Rest

    If you’re pregnant, you likely know that it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. Learn about sleep challenges and how to sleep better while...

  10. Sleep Inertia

    Feeling tired and disoriented right after you wake up? That’s sleep inertia. Read on to learn how to get rid of that morning grogginess and seize the...