
Search results

  1. What Is a Night Terror?

    Confused about the difference between night terrors and nightmares? Learn how they differ, as well as more information about these parasomnias....

  2. Nightmares in Children

    Nightmares are a common and frightening experience for children. Learn about the causes of nightmares and how to help children cope with nighttime episodes....

  3. What Causes Nightmares?

    Nightmares can be a frightening experience. Learn about the causes of nightmares and tips for reducing their frequency....

  4. How to Go Back to Sleep

    Waking up during the night can be frustrating, especially if it’s hard to fall back asleep. Learn how to go back to sleep quickly and when to see a doctor....

  5. Sleep Disorders: An Overview

    Sleep disorders affect a person’s ability to get consistent, quality sleep. Learn more about sleep disorders, including common causes, symptoms, and...

  6. What Causes Night Sweats in Women?

    While they can happen to anyone, women are especially at risk of drenching sweats during sleep. Changes in female hormones are a major cause of night sweats....

  7. Night Sweats: Causes & Treatments

    Are night sweats affecting your sleep? Find out what night sweats are, what causes night sweats, and how to get relief from them....

  8. Sleep Talking: Why Do I Talk in My Sleep?

    Sleep talking is common, but is it dangerous? Find out why you talk in your sleep and when to be...

  9. Best Mattresses for Conditions That Affect Sleep

    Wondering if a mattress can help with your health issues? Our guide covers different conditions that can disrupt sleep and how the right mattress may help....

  10. Confusional Arousal

    Waking up confused and disoriented may be a sign of a sleep disorder called confusional arousal. Learn what causes this disorder and how it’s treated....