Sleep Science
How Sleep Works

What Happens During Sleep
Sleep may look peaceful, but the body and mind are hard at work while you slumber. Learn more about sleep cycles, sleep stages, and what happens during sleep.

How Many Hours of Sleep Do We Need?
Sleep requirements change throughout a person’s lifetime. Learn how much sleep is needed at different ages and tips on how to get the recommended amount.

Sleep FAQs
Do you have questions about sleep? You’re not alone! Our ever growing library of sleep FAQs covers the most common questions.

Circadian Rhythm
The body’s circadian rhythms determine when we feel sleepy and when we’re ready to be active. Learn how to harness the power of your circadian rhythms.

How Sleep Works: Understanding Your Sleep Cycle
Sleep is critical to your health. Learn from a sleep doctor what happens to your body when you sleep, why sleep is important, and more.

Stages of Sleep: An In-Depth Guide to How Sleep Cycles Work
Want to learn about how sleep works or what happens in the body during deep sleep? Learn more about sleep mechanics and the four stages of sleep.

Sleep Calculator
How much sleep do you need to wake up feeling well and refreshed? Learn how using a sleep calculator can help you get a better night’s sleep.

How Do Animals Sleep?
Ever wondered about the unique sleep habits of animals? We explore how animals sleep, which ones sleep the least, and who can sleep standing up.
Physical Health

Exercise and Sleep
How much, when, and the type of exercise you do can impact your sleep that night. We’ll cover workout tips and discuss the best times to work out during the day.

How to Sleep With Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be agonizing and lead to sleepless nights. Learn about what causes it and tips on how to sleep with lower back pain.

Alcohol and Sleep
Learn how alcohol affects sleep and why it’s not a good idea to enjoy too many drinks before bedtime.

Physical Health: How Your Overall Well-Being Impacts Sleep
Sleep deprivation impacts your physical health and can lead to larger issues. Learn why we all need sleep to recover and maintain overall wellbeing.

How to Sleep with Allergies
Are allergies keeping you up at night? Learn how nasal congestion and other bothersome symptoms can interfere with your sleep and what to do to sleep better.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding at Night)
Teeth grinding during sleep, or sleep-related bruxism, is common in children and some adults. We highlight its causes and treatments for the disorder.

COVID-19 and Sleep: Everything You Need to Know
COVID-19 has created a range of unprecedented health challenges. Learn how COVID-19 affects sleep and find tips for sleeping better during the pandemic.

Night Sweats: Causes & Treatments
Are night sweats affecting your sleep? Find out what night sweats are, what causes night sweats, and how to get relief from them.
Mental Health

Sleep and Mental Health
Does sleep affect your mental health, or does mental health affect your sleep? Learn more about the complex relationship between sleep and mental health.

Anxiety and Sleep
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition among adults. Explore information about the relationship between anxiety and sleep.

Depression and Sleep
Research shows that depression and sleep often influence one another. Learn more about this bidirectional relationship as well as tips for living with depression.

What Causes Nightmares?
Nightmares can be a frightening experience. Learn about the causes of nightmares and tips for reducing their frequency.

For some people, even the idea of falling asleep can be terrifying. Learn about somniphobia, including its symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Benefits of Naps: How Daytime Sleep Helps Your Body and Mind
When you feel tired, taking a nap can reduce fatigue and increase alertness. Learn more about the many benefits of napping.

How Long Should You Nap?
Naps can have benefits for adults across the lifespan. Discover the ideal nap length and the best time of day to nap, depending on your unique circumstances.

Types of Naps
A daytime nap can help you feel less tired and have more energy. Learn about the different types of naps and how to get the most benefit from your nap.

Napping: How Dozing During the Day Affects Your Sleep at Night
A quick nap can boost your energy and help carry you through the day. We cover the best ways to nap so you can feel revitalized and ready for anything.

Nap Pods
Nap pods are showing up on college campuses, hospitals, and workplaces. Learn what nap pods are as well as the many benefits of naps.

How Long Is a Power Nap?
The power nap is a short nap specifically designed to improve alertness and work performance. Learn how long a power nap should be and when to take one.

Chronoquiz: What’s Your Chronotype?
What is your chronotype? Find out with this quick quiz and learn how you can understand your biological programming and start getting better sleep.

Your chronotype is a major factor in not only your sleep, but how you function each day. Learn about the different chronotypes and how they influence our lives.

The Lion Chronotype: Your Ultimate Guide
If you are a jazzed-in-the-morning type of person, you are probably a lion. People with this chronotype feel their best and most energetic in the earlier half of the day.

The Dolphin Chronotype: Your Ultimate Guide
Do you struggle to stick to a sleep schedule? You might be a dolphin chronotype. These active minds are light sleepers who wake up easily throughout the night.

The Wolf Chronotype: Your Ultimate Guide
Wolves come alive when the sun goes down. Learn how to leverage your unique energy levels to improve your productivity, well-being, and relationships.

The Bear Chronotype: Your Ultimate Guide
Despite making up the majority of the population, the bear chronotype is presented with unique challenges. Learn how to maximize your productivity and well-being as a bear.

Dreams have fascinated people since ancient times and remain mysterious. Find out what modern science can and can’t tell us about dreaming.

How to Remember Your Dreams
Have you been wondering how to remember your dreams? Learn about current dream research and steps you can take to improve your chances of recalling your dreams.

Dream Interpretation
Throughout history, people have searched for hidden meanings in their dreams. We explore dream interpretation methods and controversies.

Fever Dreams
What are fever dreams, and do they have any meaning? Find out more about the strange dreams that a fever can bring on.

How to Lucid Dream
Have you ever realized you were dreaming while in a dream? Get the facts about lucid dreams and different methods for inducing them.

The Relationship Between Dreams and Mental Health
Dreams and mental health are closely related. Learn how mental health affects your dreams, the impact of mental health conditions, and when to seek support.

Recurring Dreams
Certain dreams play out night after night. We reveal the most common causes of recurring dreams and best tips to prevent them.

Vivid Dreams
Do you wake up with crystal clear memories of your dreams? Learn more about vivid dreaming, what causes vivid dreams, and how to manage them.